Lakeville North vs Edina GOTW - 4.18.24

Lakeville North #10 - Jack Niesen and Edina #10 Cooper Anderson

The first boys game of the week for the 2024 season is a clash between DTA #3 Edina and #2 Lakeville North. This is a pretty big matchup this early in the season and will be a really great test for both teams to gauge where they are at.

This game does not have direct Section or Conference implications, however, there may be indirect implication for Edina. Since Edina is in section 6 with a lot of common SSC opponents - a win against North could build their resume for later in the year when they sit in a room with PL, Shakopee, Valley, & Rosemount - all who will play North as well.

The game will revolve around what happens at the face-off X. North’s Quinn Power (Sr.) is arguably the most valuable player in the state of Minnesota and undoubtedly the most valuable player on his team. A player that had a clean sweep of every single individual award last season and a state championship ring, he is picking up where he left off, having won 33/36 (91%) face-offs so far this season, adding 4 goals and 2 assists as well. Unbelievable.

Now, Power is phenomenal by himself, but, where I think he bring so much value to his team specifically is that North has an efficient, high powered, up-tempo offense that thrives on extra possessions. The offense is led by the Piscieteielo twins (Carson and Blake) who both set scoring records last year as sophomores. They not only have the high end skills individually but have the intangible brother to brother chemistry. In addition to Carson & Blake, the Panthers return 45 goal scorer, Lane Johnson, at midfield. A brilliant lacrosse player that knows how to run the system but can win his matchup athletically. If the Panther’s don’t get an immediate transition goal, Johnson is capable of initiating and getting quality looks in settled 6v6. However, with Power’s ability to win draws at a 90% clip, the Panthers basically play “make it-take it” and force teams to get stops on defense if they want a chance to play offense. This is an extremely difficult way to play for 4 quarters and it’s why North tends to win by the margin’s that they do.

In addition to the offense, the Panthers returned their entire starting defense from last year’s state tournament team. Junior Joel Schlauderaff impressed me on tape with his long frame and ability to press out. He is really comfortable in transition as well, helping get the ball back to that dangerous offense. Defensive midfielder, Max Meline, also impressed me in their last game against Northfield. Most teams try to attack the short sticks to win matchups, but, Melin held strong. That adds a nice element to the Panthers defense as well.

Edina comes in with their own brand of high octane lacrosse. Another team that returned a ton of players from their 13-3 squad last season, the Hornets do their damage at the midfield. Cooper Anderson and Drew Stocco, both Division 1 committed juniors are matchup nightmare’s for defenses and are extremely good at getting their hands free when they dodge. The loss of Luke Seaman for the year hurt the depth of the Hornet’s midfield a little bit but they should have no problem getting their looks when they have the ball.

Eli Busse is also an extremely high level player at attack that has a motor and brings toughness to their offense. If teams decide to send help early to the Edina midfield, Busse is completely fine taking his runs to the cage from X. He will take a hit to score and knows when to distribute to find open players in front.

What stood out to me last year was the physical style of the Edina defense to go along with the high powered O. Edina was not afraid to put a body on you and not afraid to take a penalty if it meant sending a message. They did lose a handful of players from that defense to graduation - so, we will see if they bring that same style in 2024. The Panthers offense will be a test for them, but, despite youth on D, I think they have the talent to slow the Panthers down and get stops.

I am most intrigued by new Edina Face-Off midfielder, Emerson Sullivan. He struggled early but found a way to weather the storm against a really good Mahtomedi FO/S last saturday - it ended up he was able to go 38% - but against a D1 committed player, this is manageable. He will have another D1 signee in Power, and his toughest test, but, if he can even make it 40/60 again and give the hornets possessions, I have no doubt they will score goals.

Game will be played at Edina Community Center, 7:30pm. If you’re hungry - make sure to hit up Old Southern BBQ Edina location (4501 FRANCE AVE. S,
) before the game!


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