FaceBook MarketPlace Sucks

DTA Nation,


Happy April Fools, however, this is not a joke. I thought the campus of BSM was the worst place in the world, I was wrong.  Facebook Marketplace is.  Bear with me, I am still a young adult and new to this adulting stuff.  But selling stuff on FB Marketplace is an absolute gongshow.  I know GaryVee says grind online and sell stuff and good ol’ Dave Ramsey says sell everything till the dogs and kids think they're next.  But at what point is the juice not worth the squeeze as they say.  Sure, after a full afternoon of going back and fourth, a guy trying to get my fridge out of my house without a truck and the anxiety of if I am going to get robbed the whole time…. the fridge was eventually gone, I was paid, and I get to move on with my life.  You could argue for a higher ticket item it might be worth the $600, but going through all of that for a used dishwasher for $100?! I don’t know if it’d worth it for me.  I don’t know if I can go through this again.  It was a god damn nightmare.


Let me know your thoughts? Am I just soft? Is this the PL privilege coming to light?


Is it the season yet?




Day 1


P-Macs Rants