Fall Ball

DTA Nation,

It’s been a great break to reset and take a break from the field. However, with the temps coming down to perfect for this season we call fall I am feeling better than ever to start thinking about lacrosse a little bit again and maybe spew off on the blog and pod for the fans. What’s going on in lacrosse this time of year you ask? Let me fill you in where you can find some lacrosse this time of year:

  • PLL: The championship is coming up in a few days and I can’t wait to see one of my former teammates go back to back with the Waterdogs. I am also hoping to see the Waterdogs be named the Minnesota Team so I can go all in on this franchise.

  • Commitments: This time of the year it’s really cool to see the high schoolers commit to their college of choice. This often happens in the fall, or at least picks up. For the players who want to be shouted out, shared on social, etc. make sure to tag us, message us, get our attention somehow so we can make sure to keep track the best we can.

  • Fall Ball- Different programs may be running some sort of fall program. I know Team 36 starts to pick the sticks back up and work some of the rust off after a quick break at the end of the summer. I am also working with some of the young guns in PL this time of year. If you are looking for some lacrosse to play, feel free to reach out there are plenty of opportunities out there from training, practicing and even tournaments!

  • The podcast- This is still the off season, so we aren’t in full blown lacrosse mode yet so if you are looking for a fill make sure to tune into the pod. We have had a variety of coaches and staffs on so far this fall. We are putting together a good schedule this off season to try to hit coaches from as many places as we can.

Still Clueless,



2023 Boys Champs: Panthers


Chat GPT: Analytics of Lacrosse