Chat GPT: Practice Plan

DTA Nation,

I was thinking ahead for my youth coaches and get them dialed up with a practice plan. I was interested in what Chat GPT recommended, below are the results. Pretty soon AI is going to make all the clueless lacrosse coaches useless.

Here's a 90-minute practice plan for lacrosse:

Warm-up (10 minutes):

  1. Jogging/running: Start with a light jog or run to warm up the muscles and increase heart rate.

  2. Dynamic stretches: Perform a series of dynamic stretches that focus on the major muscle groups used in lacrosse, such as arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists.

Skills and Drills (40 minutes):

  1. Stickwork and Passing (10 minutes):

    • Players pair up and work on basic stickwork skills like cradling, catching, and throwing.

    • Emphasize proper technique and accuracy in passing and catching.

    • Encourage players to use both hands and practice quick stick exchanges.

  2. Shooting and Scoring (10 minutes):

    • Set up shooting stations with goals or targets.

    • Players take turns shooting at the goal/targets, focusing on accuracy and power.

    • Incorporate shooting on the run and dodging techniques to simulate game situations.

  3. Ground Balls and Transition (10 minutes):

    • Create a grid with several lacrosse balls spread out.

    • Players work on scooping ground balls while under pressure from defenders.

    • Practice quick transitions from defense to offense or vice versa.

  4. Defensive Drills (10 minutes):

    • Set up small-sided games or drills focusing on defensive skills.

    • Work on body positioning, footwork, stick checks, and communication.

    • Incorporate game-like scenarios, such as defending against cuts or picks.

Game-like Situations (30 minutes):

  1. Small-Sided Scrimmage (20 minutes):

    • Divide the team into smaller groups (e.g., 5v5 or 6v6) for scrimmages.

    • Encourage players to apply the skills and strategies they've practiced.

    • Emphasize teamwork, communication, and game awareness.

  2. Conditioning (10 minutes):

    • Finish the practice with a conditioning drill to improve players' endurance.

    • Examples include suicides, shuttle runs, or sprints.

    • Make it challenging but appropriate for the skill and fitness levels of your team.

Cool-down (10 minutes):

  1. Light Jogging and Stretching:

    • Have the players jog lightly for a few minutes to gradually reduce heart rate.

    • Finish with static stretches to improve flexibility and prevent muscle soreness.

Note: The practice plan provided is a general outline. You can modify it based on the specific needs and skill levels of your team.

Who’s going to use the Chat GPT Practice Plan?



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Unwritten Rules of Lacrosse: CHAT GPT