Lax #s Predictions?

DTA Nation,

Taking a look at this morning to see where everybody is at heading into section finals week. Based on their rankings, let’s note who they then think will win each section and how this ages on Friday.

Based on their equations, analytics, spreadsheets, xcel sheets, etc, this is what I’m seeing “should” happen this week.

Section 1- Lakeville North; Farmington is ranked 24. Pretty wide rating spread, so they don’t think it’ll be close. (Reminder, these are not my predictions personally, I’m just looking at a source of analytics to see what COULD happen)

Section 2- Chanhassen; Shakopee is only 2 spots below them so it could be close…but in reality, shako still has a tough semi final game, as does Chan. This section could be very entertaining, Lax Numbers is predicting Chan.

Section 3- STA; so this one is funny…Woodbury is the one seed, but they are 14 on lax numbers. STA is 6. Eagan is 12, cretin is 25. So STA the 3 seed is Lax Numbers pick to win.

Section 4- Mahtomedi; Not as controversial as section 3, but Lax numbers picked the 2 seed. Stillwater is ranked 5 spots lower on Lax Numbers, I wonder what Lax Numbers knows that the coaches don’t.

Section 5- BSM; sorry this ones easy….

Section 6- Prior Lake; another 3 seed pick by lax numbers. This section is crazy as you have according to lax numbers the 5, 7, 8, and 11 all fighting for a chance at state. This is gonna be a fun week for section 6.

Section 7- Chisago; this is going to be a very close game according to lax numbers as centennial is only a few spots behind them.

Section 8- Moorhead; They are riding the 1 seed in section 8 to round the state tournament predictions

Some interesting choices based on the Lax Number Analytics team, interested to see how this article ages….



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