Film Sharing

DTA Nation,

This rant is for the high school coaches across the state. I have learned that film sharing is a bit of a headache in the last couple years that I have had the privilege to be able to coach high school lacrosse here in MN. Now, I do not know if this is a common theme/issue in other states, but it was something that caught me a bit off guard when I started coaching. It caught me off guard because at the college level, film is just shared to everyone, all the coaches, in a specific location where everyone can view. No competitive advantages based on who you are buddies with, who you have a group text with, or who you know who played who you are playing next week. You upload the film after your game and its up to the coaches to watch, take notes, and develop a game plan if they so choose. If not, that’s cool too, it’s up to you how much time you are willing to invest.

Now, this might be a stretch because some coaches aren’t willing to even post their stats to LaxHub but that is another rant for another day. We ranted about this is our latest DTA podcast, interested to hear other peoples POV and thoughts on the matter.

The most clueless film watching coach in MN,



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