P-Mac’s POW Nominations: Tryout Week

DTA Nation,


There are rumors that Ted and JP are working on different awards throughout the season, maybe weekly, maybe something else….just rumors.  So I am going to add to the rumor mill and nominate some players of the week. 


Without further ado, P-Mac’s nominations of Players of the Week: Tryout Week


THE (for the boys and Gals) AD’s + Facilities Managers

Does your AD and facilities manager make sure you have somewhere to play/tryout no matter the conditions? Are they allowing you to use the gym that the tax payers of your great city paid for? Are they using the same equipment to clear the turf field that the football team was able to use to get snow off of it during their playoff run back in October and November? If you can say yes, then this nomination is for your AD and or facilities manager. 

Domes that are still standing

It’s been a tough week to be a Dome.  They all weren’t ready for the April elements, and a few came crashing down across the state.  Thankfully, I haven’t heard of any injuries but I have heard of tryout plans getting thrown out the window.  As Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth” so the extra prepared coaches are probably fuming right now.  For the domes that were able to stay standing, a nomination for you. 

Side note- are field houses in our future with domes coming down? First the metro dome, now these?

School Districts that have their spring break the week following the state hockey tournament

Spring break should not be in April in Minnesota.  There is a couple of weeks between the end of the HS hockey season and the beginning of spring sports, why aren’t all spring breaks during this time period? I’ll wait.

If you get to play/coach in a district that you don’t have to battle spring break, I’m nominating your administration as player of the week. 


Who’d I miss? Who get’s your vote?


The most clueless lacrosse coach being clueless about school district administration decisions,






Day 1