Severe Weather Awareness Week

DTA Nation,

This is not a joke, I wish this was. Have I been living under a rock for the last 27 years? I have just learned of Severe Weather Awareness Week, and it is this week. The tornado sirens were going off, and it wasn’t because it was April 20th. Apparently, it’s severe weather awareness week and Katie new everything about it.

Now you may be wondering, why am I ranting about this? Why does this fire me up? What does this have to do with lacrosse? Well look out your god damn windows folks! Check your email because your lacrosse schedules probably have been adjusted some how some way this evening! And we are just standing by and letting this happen, why haven’t we demanded that we celebrate this great awareness week any other time of the year?! We are literally asking for severe weather to come and hinder our lacrosse season and show us what severe weather is all about. I demand a petition for this awareness week to be moved to a non lacrosse season week, immediately!

Do you celebrate this awareness week? Or at least aware of it? I can’t be the only one who is clueless to this.

The most clueless weather observing lacrosse coach,



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